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Cereal And Fussy Kids

Food And Drink : Great Food Tips

If kids turn up their noses to hot cereals, than try these suggestions.:

Make the cereal with chocolate milk.

Stir in some canned chopped fruit

Put 1 tbsp of jam in a bowl, and add a little milk. Mush them up and then add cereal. You can do this with hot or cold cereal.

You can put chocolate bits in oatmeal cereal. Think about those oatmeal cookies.

You can eat cold cereal with some eggnog, or malted milk.

You can add some ice cream to cereal.

If cold cereal is too soggy. Then pour it on a cookie sheet. Set the temp for 350 degrees and bake 2 or 3 minutes. It will crisp back up.

If hot cereal is too lumpy, then the next time start with cold water, and stir constantly.

By: Bev

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