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How To Check Foundation

Beauty : Cosmetics

If you have applied foundation, like many women do every day, one thing that you must make sure to do is to check the foundation before you apply more make up on top or go out.

How often have you seen a face caked in too much foundation, that make it look aged, unattractive and unnatural?

And no doubt you'll have seen faces where foundation was applied in a hurry - there is foundation evident in some places, but not so in others.

To ensure that this doesn't happen to you, you should always make sure that you check your foundation in a mirror in a very well lit room. If you do your make up in some dark and dingy corner - or on the train to work - it can be very hard to check this and you could be embarrassed during the day.

Therefore apply a fine but even coat of foundation, ensure it is blended well in, and only then go out or apply a top coat.

By: Stephanie

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