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How To Chill A Drinks Glass

Food And Drink : Drinks

There are certain drinks which ideally require a pre-chilled glass. The best way to do this is to place the glass, or glasses, in the fridge or freezer for 2-3 hours if possible prior to use, then remove each one and fill with ice.

For each glass you are going to fill, shake the ice gently around the glass a bit, tip out then dry each one quickly but thoroughly so that all the ice and any water is removed and does not affect the flavour of the drink. You are now ready to add the drink.

If you are making a margarita, you should add salt to the rim of the glass by dipping it into cold water then into the salt. This works best when the glass has been properly chilled as per the stages above.

Remember that wine glasses do not need to be chilled - this method is more suitable for cocktails such as the margarita or for lemonade and other non-alcoholic fruit drinks you might be serving.

By: Bev Woolfson on Sun, Jun 16th 2002

More wine advice

Hey thanks mate i tried that and it tastes great with lemonade but its a little cold lol

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