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How To Choose A Country To Work Abroad In

Career : Working Abroad

If you are working abroad, or thinking of it, then probably one of the first and indeed most important decisions that you will be required to make is that of picking the country in which you wish to work.

So how do you go about doing this?

Well you may have a natural interest or affinity in a particular country. If you speak a foreign language then that may be an obvious place to go and if not you may wish to consider going somewhere that english is spoken - and luckily this is many countries across the globe!

Remember that holiday destinations and good places to work do not go hand in hand. Somewhere that is nice for a week or twos holiday in summer might not look so attractive in the throes of winter, for instance!

Therefore be sure to think carefully about what you are looking for and why, and do thorough research into the reality of living in a particular country for an extended period of time particularly if your choice is likely to be a little more unusual than most!

By: Stephen

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