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How To Collect Moneys Owed

Business : Running Your Business

No doubt one of the hardest parts of running a small business is to collect moneys owed.

As a small business you may be particularly reliant on a good flow of cash and moneys, therefore late payment can be more than just an inconvenience to you and with regard to paying your bills.

What can you do to help get those moneys owed actually paid to you?

Well, if you are knowledgeable and can quote the law in an informative manner this will put most people off trying it on and they will get around to paying.

Therefore read up on the law with regard insolvency.

Note that section 122f means that a company can be wound up if it is unable to pay its debts!

The key is to act in a professional and knowledgeable manner in these affairs and most will realise it is not worth trying it on and will pay up in good order and on time.

By: Fred

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