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Collecting Autographs: Techniques And Tricks

Hobbies : Autographs

One of the best tricks you can use to collect autographs is a little bit of bluff!

Bluff can be pretty important: don't tell outright lies, such as pretending to be ill to get sympathy and hence an autograph, but there's no harm in being creative with the truth, especially if it helps secure the autograph.

People like to think you are interested in what they do, and the same sort of thing as them: so if you are writing to a tennis player, but yourself have only ever played once, and badly, it doesn't matter.

You can say: 'those great shots (especially your topspin lob!) and athleticism of yours have inspired me to get back on the court again' or something like that, and 'It's certainly improved my fitness!'; it doesn't particularly matter whether you intend to ever pick a racquet up again: the point is that they feel they have had an influence on you in some way: and this is the sort of thing you want them to believe: if they've helped you somehow, or think they have, you may just find they are more than happy to respond to your requests!

Autograph Finder

By: Autograph Stan

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