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Cooking Tips Of Long Ago

Food And Drink : Great Food Tips

If your food is boiling over, place a wooden spoon across the top of the pot. Or rub some butter along the inside rim of your pot.

All methods of cooking, will lower fat content, except frying in oil.

Depending on what type of metal your wok is made of, it will rust. So always wipe off the inner surface with vegetable oil after each use.

To prevent splattering, always wipe off foods before placing in hot oil.

Always cook a roast in a shallow pot. This will allow air to circulate more efficiently. Place some fresh celery stalks under the roast . It will also help.

Don’t try frying so much food at once. The food has a tendency to bubble over from the cold food, and hot oil. You should also lift the basket out of the oil a few times. This will prevent the food from sticking together.
Then lower it and keep it in until food is done.

Foods that contain a large percentage of connective tissues such as meat, or have a tough structure such as those found in some vegetables, should be cooked using moist heat. These foods are not tender, so they need this kind of heat.
There are exceptions with the heavily marbeled or frequently basted.

When you use heat to cook food, you are increasing the speed, of the molecules of that food. The faster they move, the more they collide, the more heat is generated, and the hotter the food gets. This will change the flavor, texture and the color of your foods.
For every 20 degrees you raise the temperature, over the normal cooking temperature, you will actually increase the molecular activity by 100 %, not 20.

These will be con’d later. I’ve got oodles of them.

keep watching!

By: Bev

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