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How To Create A Product That Sells Online

Computing : Money Making Ideas Online

In some articles in this category I've written about selling information online, and given some examples of those who have done it already and ideas on advertising your products for free.

But if you have the desire to sell information online but have no idea what to sell, then you need to get your thinking cap on!

Look for opportunities in the world around you, for instance information that you want - where do you go to get it?

If there is no obvious supplier then consider creating the product that contains this information and sells it.

It is known that the less easy information is to come by the more value it attains. For instance, if you want to know how to send an email there are millions of websites and friends and family who will tell you for free.

Result: creating an ebook on how to send email will not sell to anyone.

However: if you know something less well known and valuable, then it will sell if you get it in front of your target market.

Example: if you can teach someone to play the piano excellently in a week - say you've developed some brilliant new system - then selling that will certainly be a product that interests your target market.

The possibilities are endless, limited only by your imagination.

By: Fred

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