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How To Create An Unbreakable Cipher Code

Games : Codes And Ciphers

The best and easiest way to make an unbreakable cipher - strictly rather than a code, that is a letter substitution rather than a word substitution, is to use a one off key text.

Ideally you should have a key text that is the same length as the document itself. You then number the key text and refer to the first letter of each word you want to use in the code with the corresponding number in the code.

For instance, let's imagine that the key text starts with the words:

"Good luck trying to break this code - if you can everyone will be really impressed"

And the first word I wanted to encipher was: "TIBER" Then I could encipher this as:

The longer the key text, clearly it means that you never need repeat a number making frequency analysis impossible. On a keytext of a 1,000 words there will be many, many possible numbers that could be a cipher for the same letter in English. Even in the one sentence key text above there were three numbers that could cipher for 'T' already!

The best key text is a unique key text that is written specifically for the job, and shared only with the person who needs to decipher the text.

An example of a cipher that may work along these lines (though there is much debate about whether it is a true cipher and if so what type of cipher or code it is) are the Beale ciphers; the first and third of which have not apparently been cracked. Could you crack them?

By: Fred

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