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How To Create Effective Memory Links

Self Development : Brain Power

The best way to do this is to create the story that links everything together as vivid, and therefore as memorable, as you possibly can.

Thus if one of the links is a loaf of bread, then you don't want to make it a bog standard loaf in your head, but make something special about it.

Perhaps you can imagine cutting into it and seeing to your surprise that the loaf is filled with gold. Or if you are buying some cheese, perhaps you are surprised to see this massive lump of cheese walking along the aisle, and on closer inspection see that there is a mouse trying to take it to its hole!

The key idea is to personalise the thoughts and make them vivid and memorable - because that means they are easier to recall when you need to than just saying 'bread', 'cheese' and so forth.

Once you have the items you need to link them together to remember from one to the other.

Thus when you cut open the bread and see the gold colour inside, you then take a closer look only to see the gold roll out onto the floor and you realise it's actually the mouse eating that lump of cheese... as you follow it up the aisle it collides with some eggs and they smash all over the floor.

Bottom line: to remember any 'dry' list that has no natural connection or order, use this vivid memory technique.

By: Fred

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