How To Cure Mouth Ulcers
Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips Mouth ulcers are painful. Not only are they painful, but with so many methods for treating mouth ulcers, which one works best? The best treatment for mouth ulcersGargle with salt water. You should find that it works a treat. Salt is cheap and easy to get hold of and we all have it at home, so no need to splash out and spend lots of money on expensive mouth ulcer creams...
More ulcers adviceThere's a great Chinese herbal formula, a powder that you spray on, that cures mouth cuts and sores very quickly. It's called Watermelon Frost. If you can find it (try Chinatown if you're near one), use it 2-3 times a day. You'll be very happy. The best way I have tried is to coat it with a thin layer of antiseptic mouth gel. It comes in a tiny 5 ml tube from the pharmacies. Get a Q-tip and dab a very slight bit of bleach just onto the sore itself. The kanker sore will be gone within 2 days. Apply bicarbonate of soda to your ulcer it works a treat although doesn't taste very pleasant. (1) Apply a tiny dab of oil of cloves to the sore. Rubbing Garlic directly onto the ulcer also works. Stings a little but the ulcer will be gone before the days out.. Bonjela always the answer to cure uscles! becx Bonjela is not a very good solution. With reference to the garlic, i used some and it hurt like mad but now it feels like its gone even though its still there so it a good cheap fix. i will let you know if it disappears. Thanks Mr. Proctor. I've used your salt solution(sorry, didn't mean to pun) for two days now and the ulcers have disappeared Even on the first day there was a noticeable improvement Put salt on them yes it will burn!
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