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Cuts And Scrapes

Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips

Life Is Full Of Ups And Downs.

Doc says :

You slice a finger instead of a cucumber. Or your dog gets too affectionate and scratches your arm. Or your hand slip while doing home repairs. Well welcome to cuts and scrapes.

Bandage Busters
All is fine until time to remove it. So try and use a tiny pair of scissors to separate the bandage part from the adhesive sections. Pull it gently away from your scrape. Then remove the adhesive strips.

Now if the scab is stuck to the bandage, soak the area in a salt mixture of warm water and salt. Take a teaspoon of salt and mix it into a gallon of warm water. Have patience, it works.

If a bandage is stuck on the forearm, leg, or chest hair- pull in the direction of the hair growth. Use a q tip saturated in baby oil or rubbing alcohol to moisten the adhesive fully, before pulling away from the skin.

Stop The Bleeding.
The fastest way to stop it is to apply direct pressure. Place a clean absorbent cloth – a bandage or a towel over the cut, then press your hand against it firmly. If you don’t have a cloth, use your fingers The bleeding should stop in one or two minutes. If the blood soaks through the first bandage, use two and press steadily. Add new bandages over the old ones. Because removing the cloth may tear off coagulating blood cells.
If applying pressure doesn’t stop the bleeding, elevate the limb above the level of the heart, to reduce the pressure of blood on the cut. Continue applying pressure for a while.
This should stem the bleeding.

Choosing Over The Counter Ointments Can Be A Nightmare.
Try to find an antibacterial ointment. Perhaps something labeled “First Aid Cream”
Polysporin, Neosporin, Bacitracin are also good.

Clean The Wound

Wash the area with soap and water, or just water. The object is to dilute the bacteria in the wound, and remove the debris. Also if stones, or sand isn’t removed from a cut, they can leave pigment under the skin. This acts like a tattoo. Gently clean cuts twice a day.

Strap It Up.
When the bleeding stops or slows, tie the wound firmly in a cloth, or wrap, with elastic bandage- so there is pressure against the cut. DO NOT CUT OFF THE CIRCULATION.

If the cut is on a leg or arm, you can check circulation to the area by squeezing a fingernail or toenail. The nail should turn white, then when you release it, pink again. If necessary loosen the bandage a little.

With most everyday cuts and scrapes first aid is plenty. Tourniquets are extreme and dangerous. To easy to cut off all circulation, then the person could end up losing a limb.

Go For Extra Pressure.
If the cut continues to bleed, then it is much more serious, - seek a doc.

Keep It Under Cover
When exposed to air, cuts form scabs which slow down new cell growth. Recommended is a plastic bandage similar to food wrap. They come in all sizes. Or look for gauze impregnated with petroleum jelly. Both are good, and allow only a little air to pass through.

By: Bev

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