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How To Deal With Constipation

Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips

We've all Been Bombarded At One time Or Another.

Doc Says
You?ve all been told that you need, to have a good daily movement. This simply isn?t so.
Bowel movements vary. For some three daily movements are normal for them. Others three times a week are normal for them. Individuals vary. But are you really constipated, or just think so.

Here are some ways to remedy the situation:

Are You Getting enough fluids.
A constipated individual needs to check out his fluid intake. The menu for battling constipation is fiber and fluids. Lots of both are essential in keeping the stool soft and to help it pass through the colon.

A minimum of six glasses a day, and preferably eight should be a part of every adults diet. Any fluid will do the trick, but the best is water.

Eat That Fiber.
Most American?s don?t get enough fiber in their diet. I recommend a daily consumption of 20 ? 35 grams of fiber daily. If constipated you need at least 30 grams.
Fiber comes from complex carbohydrates.
Such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, It isn?t difficult to get 30 grams. Just choose foods wisely. One half cup of green peas will give you 5 grams. One small apple will give you 3 grams .A bowl of brand cereal can give you up to 13 grams. But the tops are popcorn, nuts, raisins, pears, figs, prunes, and dried beans. Word of caution increase fiber slowly, to avoid gas attacks.

Time Out.
Take time an go to the gym. Exercise is good for your heart. But did you also know it?s good for the bowels? Regular exercise will move food through the bowel faster.

Take A Walk With The Baby.
Walking is wonderful for pregnant women. Many experience constipation to accommodate the fetes. So get out and walk a good 20 30 minutes a day.
But do take care not to get too winded.

Toilet Training.
Many people need to train themselves, that when mother Nature calls it?s time to defecate. Don?t wait. You?re just setting yourself up for constipation. The best time to go is after a meal. So pick a meal any will do, and sit on the toilet for 10 minutes.
You are conditioning your colon to act as mother nature intended.

Slow down take it Easy.
When your tense or frightened your heart beats faster, and your mouth gets dry.
The bowels stop up as well.
Try to relax with some music.

Have A Good Hearty Laugh.
A good belly laugh helps in two ways.
It has a massaging effect on the intestines, which help to foster digestion.
It also helps with stress.


Reconsider Laxative Tablets.
Oh yes they work, but are terribly addictive. Take too many and your bowels get use to them. Then the constipation gets worse.
When should you take laxatives from a bottle ? almost never. Natural or vegetable laxatives are the best, whose main ingredient is usually psyllium seed. This type of fiber can be taken over longer periods of time.
They must be taken with lots of water.

Get Fast Relief.
If really miserable take a good ole enema, or use a suppository. Occasional use they are perfectly all right. But if you use them too often, you risk creating a lazy colon.
Use only clear water in enemas.
Soaps are too irritating.

Review All medications and supplements. There are several that can bring on exacerbate

Beware Of foods.
There are some hat will constipate some people, but not others. You should suspect a spastic colon if your constipation in sharply painful Milk can be extremely constipating to some people, but will also give others diarrhea. If you have a spastic colon avoid beans, cauliflower, and cabbage.
These are very gassy.

Eat small Meals.
If you have a spastic colon avoid, all large meals that distend the digestive tract.
These make constipation worse.

Don?t Strain.
Leave the huffing and puffing to the bad wolf. This type of action will only cause hemorrhoids, and anal fissures.
These are painful, and can aggravate constipation by narrowing the opening.


By: Bev

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