How To Deal With Hyper Children
Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips Hyperactivity Doc Says: Mention that your child won?t sit still, or pay attention and most folks would say, you?ve got a typical red blooded American kid. Say that Junior can?t seem to and he might be diagnosed, with the most common psychiatric condition of childhood. We call this Attention Hyperactivity Disorder. With or without the classic busy bee behavior. This affects about two million children in the United States mostly boys. Scientists are only beginning to learn more about it. For years popular belief was that that these fidgety, incredible, impulsive kids were just brats, and that of the upbringing or lack of, was likely the cause. Now we know that is no fault of the parents, but rather the result of an insufficient amount, of one or more of the chemicals in the nervous system. These are responsible for concentration and attention. It?s not that these kids are stupid or brats. They know the rules. They are just so impulsive, they act before they think. Raising a hyper child is not an easy task. But it doesn?t mean it?s a lost cause either. The symptoms always appear before age seven, so raising a hyper child is a real challenge. What may seem to be a disability in school, often becomes a gift in adulthood. These kids often grow up to become adults, who have incredible amounts of energy, very creative, and can often see things different than others. There are prescriptions that can help with the hyperactivity. Such as Ritalin. But there are other ways also. Make Everything Step By Step. Hyper active kids need an extreme amount of structure and organization. If they get it they usually settle down, and do better. To do this I encourage parents to break every activity into six or seven steps. Whether it is getting out of bed, eating meals, watching t. v, doing homework- virtually every aspect of the child?s life. It?s not enough to say get ready for school. They need steps. Get out of bed, go and get your teeth brushed, wash your face etc. These children?s attention lapses after a minute or to. So you need to keep at them. Chart Their Progress. Make a chart so these kids know what is expected of them. When they fill their obligation, give them points. Then they can be used for special privileges. A special trip for an ice cream. Or a night out at the movies. No spankings for bad behavior. Take away privileges .Then explain what they should have done to please you. When you talk to these children, direct eye contact is a must. No yelling. Be A Parrot Parent. These kids act upon impulse. So you have to be prepared to tell them 3,000 times about what they are suppose to do. Not just for a day or two either. For years. It?s very important for parents to discipline themselves, to remind the kids again and again to brush their teeth, turn off the t.v. Even if it seems obvious. Get Them Involved With The Right Activities. Hyper children tend to be above average in activities involving large muscle movements, but slower than average in sports that require hand ? eye coordination. So they will do very well in activities such as swimming, and soccer. But will probably become very frustrated with baseball Outside activities need to include good parent/ child ratio. Such as Cub Scouts, and Y M C A . Try to arrange for your child to sit close to the leader, or directly across. Again for that direct eye contact. Have Family Sessions. Sibling rivalry is often a problem in families with hyper children. Particularly if the hyper child torments a younger sibling. One of the best ways to deal with this , outside of professional counseling is to have family meetings. Do this after the meal. Play some music, and start a spoon around the table. When the music stops the one holding the spoon, tells his story. You may find out some things you weren?t aware of. Parents be honest. Your kids thing you are so perfect, that even if something was bothering them, they would not reveal it. They may think a punishment was coming there way , if they did. You all know you weren?t perfect. So if your honest, you may be able to come up with some solutions, that could make it easier on your child. These type of children have problems, identifying with role models. So therefore keep things bottled up. Hyper Active children need to spend a lot of quality time, with the same sex parent. Give Kids Responsibilites To channel these children?s attention provide them with house hold chores. You can incorporate the chores from about second grade on. I recommend the child to have four chores per day. These need to be tied in with an allowance, and special privileges. He not only gets a base allowance, but can make more money based on homework, behavior, grades, and other responsibilities. These children make great workers, because they have so much energy.. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO SCIENTIFIC PROOF, THAT SUGAR OR ANY FOOD CAUSES HYPERACTIVITY. HOWEVER MANY PARENTS BELIEVE - THAT THERE ARE FOODS THAT TRIGGER REACTIONS.
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