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How To Deal With No Interest At A Speed Dating Event

Relationships : Speed Dating

Once you have attended the speed dating event, you will then shortly get an email or other contact telling you the details of those who came up as mutual matches for you to pursue.

This can be quite an exciting time, and there can be a real let down when none of your warm leads as it were come back with having been interested in you.

If you have matches come back that you ticked but didn't really like then don't pursue it, you will only be wasting their time.

If you had your heart set on someone and they didn't like you back it can be disconsoling, but don't worry about it - the whole thing about speed dating is that we form quick impressions and meet a range of people and the more you meet the more likely you are to get that mutual spark with someone.

If you get no ticks at all to your matches then it means that none of those people were instantly into you this time. Don't get down about it, it is just one of those things.

However you might benefit from doing an honest assessment to how you got on - were you nervous? did you remember to smile? did conversation flow?

If you felt that conversation was awkward and uncomfortable then it is probable that your dates did too... and this is not uncommon at a first event so the trick is to go to others, hone your technique, and the results will come, don't get depressed if you aren't a speed dating natural from the very get go!

By: Stephanie

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