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How To Determine If A Training Course Is Worthwhile

Business : Running Your Business

From time to time, you will need to bring in new skills to your team - this is natural as things change over time and the focus of the company may shift.

The question to ask is - to recruit again, or train up the team?

Usually training up the team is the most effective option if there is someone capable of learning the new skills.

This is a straightforward case. But others are less so - where there is not a direct need for training for your business to function, but where it may be beneficial to a staff member and to the company in general.

Example: you already have a web designer and your site is fine, but they want to learn how to use Flash in order to add a fancy animation. Not really necessary to the site, but it would keep the team member happy and there might be chances to use their skills once you have thought about it more. Send the staff member on the course or not?

Here's what to do:
- calculate the costs
- calculate potential benefits
- compare the above

If the costs outweight benefits, it's a no go. Otherwise, it's a great light.

Remember the benefits may be less tangible ones than 'we have skill X in the team' - staff motivation and self worth are other factors in denying or granting a training request.

By: Job Expert

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