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Doggie Coolers And More Dog Tips

Pets : Dogs

Take a western hankerchief. Fold into a triangle. Now fold it all the way to the point. Wet it. Lay it in the freezer. When ice cold take out, and wrap around dogs neck. It thaws fast so you can.

It will be stiff to begin with. Keeps my poms nice an cool.

Especially while they are riding on the lawnmower. They think their human!

Their temperature is different than ours.

Also I keep a cold spritzer bottle of water in my fridge. Spray mist them often. They love it. Especially here in FL.

Now when we go to Colorado, I put cayenne pepper in their socks. It keeps them warm while sliding down hill with us.

When I'm away, I put some piece of my clothing in their bed. Then they don't get so lonely. They know my odor.

I call them when I'm out. Talk to them over my answering machine. This also helps.

If at any time I have to leave them out for a few. I take an old bundt cake pan, and put a metal rod through the middle of it. Then fill with ice water. No spilling.

Never any thing destroyed either.

They're wonderful dogs.

By: Bev

More dogs advice

To help keep a doggie cool during summer rock sulphur can be added to their water. It sounds bizarre but salts help to regulate water and their body temperature. These can be bought easily from a pet shop and are little yellow rocks that you can place within their water bowl which they drink from.

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