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Jobs : Job Profiles

A study of the economy in general will include various sub-sectors: notably supply and demand, consumer spending, interest rates and so on and so forth. In fact, anything at all related to the economy.

This is often using complex mathematical models and the creation of theories to try and model the performance of the external world, and a key aspect is being able to predict future trends and patterns.

As such preparing reports and potentially presenting them forms a key aspect of this quite theoretical and academic job.

Work may be commissioned by companies, government or other sectors.

You need to have a good head for numbers, analyse complicated information and have a good notion of causes and effects in an often abstract context. You need to have attention to detail, and may need persistence for a long or tricky study.

You should have a degree in economics, and then you can work your way up through many graduate entry schemes across industry.

By: Job Expert

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