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Eyebrow Tips

Beauty : Beauty Tips

The shape of your eyebrows can lift and define a face if done correctly.

Keep them in great shape by plucking slowly and not getting too carried away too quickly. Loo at your natural shape first and work around to slightly tidy it up. You might have straight, curved or V shaped eye brows so work with this and keep it the same.

Always pluck from under the arch of your brow and never on top otherwise you will end up lowering it and it wont look good. Dont take away too much from the inner edge either otherwise the corner of the eye will look fake and strange.

Pluck a few hairs from one, then do the same on the other. Keep them balanced so they match.

Take a pencil and hold it length ways at the side of your nose. Any hairs on the nose side of the pencil should be plucked. Then hold the pencil diagonally (at 45 degrees) from the bottom of your nose to the outer side of the eye brow to measure how far you should pluck the other one.

By: Danielle

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