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How To Find Affected Rows In MySQL

Computing : Learning PHP

One point that confuses many with mySQL is when to use mysql_num_rows and mysql_affected_rows.

Well, you should use the AFFECTED rows to find out exactly that - how many rows are affected by a query, thus this will be typically used with UPDATE queries.

The num_rows function will be used with SELECT to tell you how many rows are selected.

Let's say you update all rows WHERE the lastlogindate was a year in the past or greater.

To find how many records that is, you use mysql_affected_rows. Also note that you don't need to pass the query id to it like you would with num_rows.


$whatever = mysql_query("UPDATE members SET inactive = '1' WHERE ...your parameters...");

To find how many rows this affected just use:

$affected_number = mysql_affected_rows();

By: Stephen

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