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How To Find The Meaning Of A Dream

Self Development : Interpreting Dreams

In the previous two articles on dreams I looked at how to record your dreams, and then what bits to discard. You should now be down to the key symbolic elements of dreams for a week or longer period, and this is now where you can look for the meaning of your dreams.

Here you need to be creative, as symbols often work by analogy, so you need to think about each of the images that appear in your dream. For instance, if there is a timid lion that appears in your dream it doesn't mean you will meet a lion, but rather perhaps that you feel that you are shy or don't fit in - if this has resonance for your conscious mind this is probably where the meaning lies.

Similarly therefore never take any symbols at face value, for instance if you are walking along the motorway and the signs keep changing, again this doesn't mean you will breakdown on a motorway, but rather that you are striving to find direction and bearings in your life, perhaps some focus.

By: Dreamer

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