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How To Find Your Perfect Job

Career : Executive Career Advice

Many people in todays labour market are employed in jobs that they dislike or that are unsuitable to them. It is of course very easy to go through life plodding along in a job that is not meeting your career aspirations but is there to just pay the bills.

Often people think that finding their ideal job which truly matches their specific needs, including personal values, motivations, skills and location is almost impossible to find, so is it really possible to find that 'ideal job'?

The good news is, it is possible, but requires individuals to take a step backwards and embark on a programme of self-assessment to review ones career. When we talk about 'career' we mean a journey that includes work and life situations.

To begin your self-assessment you need to think very carefully about what motivates you to work? what motivates you at work? why do you work? how do you like to work? what values are important to you? what kind of company culture fits your values? what kind of people motivate you? what skills do you enjoy using? what skills don't you enjoy using? how do you like to communicate with others? how do you like to build relationships with others? how do you cope with change? where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years from now?

A period of self-assessment allows you to focus and plan on what career/job you really want to do. Once you have been through this self-assessment programme you will then be ready to go out and market yourself.

Seeking a new job is a marketing campaign and to be successful requires careful research and planning. Think about all the people you know, who can help you? - networking is one of the most successful job search strategies available. People love to help others. Remember you are not asking your friends for a job, you are seeking their advice.

Research your chosen career, job and companies, talk to people that are already doing the kind of job that you want, find out if the job truly meets your needs.

Your CV must reflect you and your skills. Employers are now seeking examples of how people have used specific competencies in their work. Your CV must therefore be achievement based. Think about specific achievements you have accomplished in your career and write a sentence to reflect each key achievement. You must include a personal profile - this is the marketing blur about you - so make people want to find out more about you!

Many people are today using career coaches to help them plan their careers, just like we go to a financial advisor to discuss our finances, why not seek out a professional career advisor/coach who can help you with your career.

Good luck and I hope you find your ideal career - it is never too late or too early to seek it out.

You can find out more about career coaching on

By: Katie Slater

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