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For Those Who Are Christian Already: How To Be A Master Christian

Religion And Culture : Christianity

Actually the solution has been sitting right in front of you as long as you have been a Christ follower.

John 14:14 “If you ask anything in My name I will do it.” - Jesus Christ.

By understanding these principles
1) Jesus is God.
2) God doesn’t need to lie to any pathetic human.
3) God has zero limitations

This is basically an offer to “hook up” to a network of limitless power & knowledge.
I don’t worry about this information being in the wrong hands, being that
1) If you are not a Christ follower God doesn’t care what you want.
2) It has been within the bible for hundreds of years.
3) This is via prayer to God, not forcible magic which He ‘must obey’ you.
4) No pathetic human can outsmart God.
5) The only way it would work is if you actually use the name “Jesus” which is detrimental to EVERY religion in the world.

Break down that statement:
“If” – meaning it automatically has a contingency, and it is not an absolute.
“you” – meaning not someone else representing you.
“ask” – meaning you dare not demand or expect anything from God.
“anything” – meaning everything imposed in your limitations
“in My name” – meaning “Jesus’ name” which is His actual name and not a pronoun, simile, allegory, occupation, position, or any other substitution for “Jesus”.
“I will do it” – meaning NOT YOU!

Therefore when you pray correctly you will be hooked up to God.
I have asked for the following things and would recommend the same of you:

I ask in Jesus’ name to have a greater desire to pray more.
I ask in Jesus’ name that you God make me smarter.
I ask in Jesus’ name to be made a walking living bible.
I ask in Jesus’ name that you God tell me the verses I need to know when I need.
I ask in Jesus’ name that you God tell me what I should ask for.
I ask in Jesus’ name that you make me a better Christ follower.
I ask in Jesus’ name that you be my physical trainer.
I ask in Jesus’ name that you teach me how to cook better.
I ask in Jesus’ name that you teach me to eat better
I ask in Jesus’ name that you teach me deeper truth of your word.
I ask in Jesus’ name that you teach me of those things which are important.

In doing so, over time you will come to deeper understandings such as there is only 1 sin which is disobedience. There are only 3 types of sin Lust, Greed, and Pride and they all stem from selfishness.
Therefore all selfishness is sin and disobedience to God. And to be a Master Christian you must empty yourself from taking, and learn only in giving is the way of Christ, which is to be a servant.

In that truth you will be a Master Christian.

By: Ted & Heather

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