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How To Generate Interest In Your Podcast

Computing : Podcasting

If you have a podcast, then the initial excitement might turn to reticence when people don't download and listen to the podcast - or if they do you then get no feedback or business.

The key to a good podcast is, of course, good content. But another very important element is the delivery of the message, and the way in which you deliver your message.

If your voice is unclear - or frankly boring - then you are not going to get a great response to your podcast.

Therefore, here are some simple tips for your voice:
1) have a warm drink before you start recording

2) speak slowly

3) pause at the end of sentences

4) try to vary your voice and intonation, so that people have a varied message rather than a monotone delivery which sends them to sleep

5) practice

6) try not to pant or get other breathing sounds on the podcast by being too close to the mic - which is very off putting!

By: Stephen

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