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How To Get A Free Upgrade

Travel : Travel Tips

If you want to get a free upgrade to a higher class on a flight, then you need to ask for it. And also be persistent.

For instance, if you ask if they have any free upgrades they will probably say no. Try it and find out!

But don't just leave it there. When they say no or that they don't think there are (if that's what they say and don't say yes straight away), then ask another question.

For instance you might then say: 'oh I thought your company offered some free upgrades? Is there any way you can check for me?'

They will then often actually perform a check to see if all the higher class seats are taken and if not reserve you a seat.

It's all in the questions and being a little persistent, even though you are asking for a freebie and therefore don't be afraid to be a little shameless in your request.

If this still doesn't work then quit your losses - the upper classes probably really are full on this flight!

By: Fred

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