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How To Get A Job: Personal Skills

Jobs : Job Search

The most important set of skills to getting a job are personal skills.

This stems from the interview right through to working in a company and moving up.

Those with good people skills put themselves ahead at interview by being confident, a good talker, erudite, and able to think on their feet - as well as being pleasant to be around and warmed to.

In contrast someone may be technically excellent but poor at communicating their ideas and not as comfortable around other people.

For a company, actually the first person is probably the better bet, because most companies are very much the product of how the individuals interact, rather than just what they know, per se.

So be sure to work on your personal skills - for instance public speaking, presentations, and general sociability.

Whilst we tend to focus on business skills there are many excellent courses on personal skills that you can attend and they might be worth it if they get you that foot up the ladder or foot in the door.

By: Fred

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