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How To Get An Aeroplane Upgrade

Travel : Travel Tips

If you want to upgrade your class of seat on an aeroplane and aren't flying business, then you'll know that the cost usually stops you from doing it.

However, ensure that you are first a member of the airline's frequent flyer programme.

The reason for this is that they are more likely to be loyal to passengers who are loyal to them and use them a lot, and therefore you might get first dibs on any leftover seats in first class.

These frequent flyer programs are free to join, so it will cost you nothing to get yourself this potential little perk!

Also, ensure that you look the part of a first class flyer, therefore dress smartly and you are more likely to be offered the upgrade.

If you pre-booked a meal then they won't offer you an upgrade, as your seat will already be booked for that meal.

Finally as seats tend to be available in singles or pairs, don't travel in a group of more than two of you if you wish to be upgraded!

By: Fred

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