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How To Get An Autoresponder For Your Site

Computing : Newsletters

Getting an autoresponder is as hard or easy as you like.

If you are a competent programmer, then it is not too hard to set these up yourself.

If you are able to use PHP and a mySQL database for instance to put names into that database of subscribers, then you have all that you need.

Then you can simply queue up your mails in advance and send them each day manually or ideally set up a cron job to send them out at a certain time each day automatically and keep track of which email each recipient is on.

Alternatively and much easier you can buy the services of a ready made tool. Two large ones that people often use are aweber.com and constantcontact.com, both of these you pay to use their solutions and therefore avoid all the technical side of things if you don't know how to do that or just don't have the time.

It may well be worth trying on your site as it won't break the bank, and you never know whether something will work for you unless you try it!

Just be sure to decide up front whether you need an autoresponder, a mailing list, or a combination of the two. The several articles in this category on email newsletters should help you make your mind up either way.

By: Stephen

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