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How To Get Children To Eat More Fruit

Health And Fitness : Food And Health

If you need to increase the amount of fruit or veg in the diet of a youngster, then it can be a difficult thing. Many youngsters seem to prefer to eat things that are bad for them than healthy!

However you can include fruit on a more covert basis in meals or snacks.

For instance, with their favourite breakfast cereal, try slicing in some strawberry, apple or banana - it will be a nice, sweet addition and shouldn't cause any problems.

With sandwiches or snacks also tries to add some salad - perhaps cucumber, lettuce or tomato in with their favourite filling.

If your children like a bit of pizza - as most do - then again use it to get them to like certain vegetables. Mild peppers, onion and mushrooms are all great additions on a pizza, and perhaps along with sweetcorn can help the children to love their vegetables!

By: Stephanie

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