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How To Get Motivated To Control Your Finances

Self Development : Money

Some people complain that they are always too busy to gain control of their finances, or that it is a boring topic and they lack the motivation.

So try this mental exercise to get you going.

Imagine walking along the street, and an extremely wealthy person offers you a ?50 note, no strings attached. Would you take that money or keep on walking down the street? It's a no brainer. Take the money.

Yet many, many people day in day out are effectively walking down the street and not taking the money.

For instance, having savings in an account that earns them 1% interest a month when they could get 4% elsewhere. For instance having cash stuffed under the bed or in a safe, when it could be earning interest in the bank.

Too many people leave money lying on the street quite literally, which with a few minutes effort, they could have in their back pocket. So don't make the mistake of apathy - take control of your finances now and you will be sure to end up the richer for it, literally!

By: Stephen

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