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How To Get Office Furniture Cheaply

Jobs : Starting A Home Business

When setting up an office you have the usual dilemma - spend a little and work in a bit of discomfort (potentially) or spend a little more but tighten your belt for a few months?

Well, you can have both. The key is to go a couple of auctions.

Background: offices and businesses are closing or moving all the time. They sell their furniture at auction and this means you can get some really good furniture at a great price.

Look in the local yellow pages or equivalent directory for auctions around you. Look at a few and find one that has a good deal of furniture. Then all you have to do is find an item that you like and bid.

You can get some fantastic solid old furniture (none of this modern cheap finish wood) for a great price, that will be comfortable and look the part for a long time to come.

This is particularly important if you are going to have clients visiting you at home from time to time, quality furniture will add that little bit of gravitas to your operation!

By: Job Expert

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