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How To Get Rid Of Wasps At A Barbecue

Food And Drink : Main Courses

We all love barbecues, and we all hate wasps, right?

Because generally all they do is buzz around, eat your food and if you're unlucky sting you for your troubles! Wasps really are a pain at barbecues, and for those who are nervous around them then they can make eating outside in the summer miserable, particularly if you have sweet foods, fizzy drinks, ketchup and the like around.

So what can you do to get rid of wasps and give you some peace and quiet to enjoy your BBQ?

Well, simply take some sort of liquid container and place water in there.

Then sweeten it will lots of sugar - just add it then stir around to dissolve it.

Then remove the lid to the container so that there is easy access, and place it a little distance from the BBQ but close enough that any wasps coming near your table will be diverted away to that instead.

By: Stacy

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