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How To Get Teenagers To Do Chores

Relationships : Running A Home

Getting teenagers to do chores can be really hard, even harder than it is to get younger children to get involved.

They often get lazy, want to rebel and certainly don't want to follow orders from their parents.

If you have a child who fits this bill and most of us do with teenagers then how can you get them to do stuff and help out with those chjores and clean the house?

Well the thing is that you should reward and punish. If they meet a chore they get a reward such as a bit of their pocket money, say.

If they don't get they get the punishment accordingly, for instance you won't allow them out at the weekend to see their friends.

If you make it so that there is a good carrot and stick then you should find that it is easier to get them to do what you want them to do.

You could even offer a larger incentive say if they do 100% of their chores and on time without hassle they get a big reward once a month, say double pocket money or whatever, this should help so try to focus more on reward than punishment where possible!

By: Stephanie

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