How To Get The Most Out Of Speed Dating
Relationships : Speed Dating There's an old saying about getting out what you put in, and the same is true to some extent with speed dating. If you do zero preparation, think of no questions and don't bother dressing nicely then you are much less likely to get something good out of the event than if you do put in some time and effort in the preparation. So remember first to dress well, and prepare your questions. At the event itself, you should consider whether you feel drawn to the person or not... if you do then it is worth ticking their box. Don't submit to the temptation of ticking every box just to see who was interested in you. Not only will you be gutted if it turns out no-one was interested in you, but also if they are and you both get each others details then it's just a waste of their time. When speed dating it can be quite tough for those who are shy, so therefore you need to go with the attitude of above all having fun. Open up and discuss comfortably things about yourself that you might not normally like to open up to. Organisers will often tell you to 'let go and have fun with the event' and this is good advice. The biggest tip of all is to smile. When nervous some people can naturally look a bit sulky or standoffish - this will really put people off. Even if the date doesn't like you a smile will make the time pass more easily and pleasantly, and they will end up thinking 'nice person but not for me' which is of course perfectly acceptable and what you may think about the majority of your dates. Also try to get a good balance between listening and talking - if one person is doing all the talking then try to balance it up, if you are talking increase the number of questions you ask then sit back and listen, if they are talking a lot, then make your answers to questions longer.
Questions about speed dating: