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How To Give A Foot Massage

Health And Fitness : Massage

Giving a foot massage is a great way to pamper that special someone in your life.

First of all the essential tip is that I suggest you do this after they have had a bath or shower and not after just going for a ten mile jog around the park! Works best on nice, dry and clean feet!

All that you do is get them to place their foot resting on your thigh to secure it, and then hold the ankle with a hand and gently move the foot around clockwise or anti, using the thumb to massage the foot at the same time as you move the foot around.

Also smoothly move up and down the length of the foot with your hands, and try varying the pressure - sometimes a little harder, and now a little softer.

Experiment with straight movements and circular rubs, and change direction sometimes from clockwise to anti-clockwise and vice versa.

Remember to also work gently on the soles of the foot, this area is particularly sensitive with some so you will have to be a little gentle. If the skin is harder however then you may need to rub a little harder to create the same satisfying and relaxing sensations.

By: Stephanie

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