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How To Have A Large Pension

Money : Saving

If you want to have a big pension fund, then we know that you can no longer rely on the state.

You also cannot rely on some cushy company fund - the idea of final salaries schemes for most people in the private sector are a thing of the past; and therefore you need to ensure that you take your own steps to save enough for retirement.

There is one very simple rule to having a large pension, and that is this: start saving from as young an age as you can.

That's because due to compound interest over the years, every pound that you save when younger is worth much much more than it is later on in life.

Therefore if you are in your twenties and think or know retirement is a long way off, it is still worth saving for your pension without any doubt; one day you will be glad you did.

Most people are able to get buy with a few percent less salary each month, and if you can get into the discipline of saving for your pension young, then that's a great thing.

By: Job Expert

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