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How To Have White Teeth

Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips

If you want to have white teeth then there are very many options available.

Ideally see it as something that you have and develop over time, rather than something that you have as a quick fix - for instance bleaching - that is short term.

Make good dental hygiene a habit rather than something you only think about when the dentist visit comes along!

What should you do?

Well, deep clean the teeth at regular intervals. This can be done by wetting your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide then dipped in baking soda and salt.

This brushed on teeth and gums for a couple of minutes then rinsed will help to clean and whiten teeth.

Also be sure to have as much calcium as you can in your diet; classic sources being milk, cheese and salmon, as this is also important for healthy teeth.

By: Stephanie

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