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Healing Foods Part 8

Health And Fitness : Health Improvements

This is truly an essential of life. We need 64- 96 oz per day. Water is the second most important nutrient of life. After oxygen. More than 2/3 of the body is made up of water. The brain is almost 75% water. People 75% of us don’t drink enough water. Studies show that just a 2 % drop in water in your body may be of cause of fatigue, and fuzzy thinking.
Dehydration can lead to urinary tract infections. As well as constipation. Water and fiber are the two cures for constipation.
If you can’t get fresh fruits or vegetables , than go for frozen ones.
Watch canned goods. Several have had their nutrients cooked out. With the exceptions of tomato products, beans and legumes, and fish.

By: Bev

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