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Help On Preventing Spots X

Beauty : Teens And Beauty

Hiya if your reading this you've probably reached an age where your either suffering or trying to prevent spots. All you have to do is follow this simple guide to healthy skin...
• have 6 - 8 glasses of water each day
• lots of excersize (werid but it helps)
• steam your face at least once a week if you don't know how then look up how on something like YouTube and also include lemon juice too detoxify
• use lemon juice on spots as I said before too detoxify lol
• don't touch your face because the germs off your hands will spread onto your face
• use facepacks once a week to clean your pores and close them again with cold water (after you have washed it off)
• have lots of sleep at least eight or nine hours will probably do!
Thank you for reading this article hope I have helped and if you have any other advice then add it below x

By: Zaraa Whitee

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