How To Help Prevent DVT
Travel : Travel Tips DVT has been in and out of the press for a number of years now. It stands for Deep Vein Thrombosis, and it can be more likely to occur when you are sedentary for a large period of time, such as during an airline flight. Therefore in order to help prevent DVT during a longer flight, here are some tips for you. First, drink plenty of water, to stop dehydration. Second, consider wearing flight socks to help aid circulation of the blood during the flight. Ensure that any shoes that you may have on are not too tight as this can make circulation a little harder. Consider taking shoes off. Try and do some stretching exercises every couple of hours, and consider going for a walk - for instance to the toilet and back - every hour or so. The bottom line is to try and move about a little, whether physically walking, or simply swinging your legs back and forth and rotating your ankles whilst in your chair. In this way you can help aid circulation and can thus help prevent DVT.
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