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Herbal Supplements: Safe Or Not?

Health And Fitness : Alternative Health

There is a lot of debate at the moment as to exactly what the impact of certain medicinal or alternative supplement herbs are on the body.

Whilst most people think that they must be safe, the fact is that you are taking them for a reason - because you believe they have the power to alleviate or change some ailment or something about you.

So if they have that power, then why not have the power to have bad effects too? Remember that just because something is called a herb does not mean it has to be either good or harmless to you - many plants can kill and many berries and plants are poisonous if you were to eat them.

Therefore you should always exercise caution with herbs and other natural supplements, as long term studies on possible effects of many of them has not been done, so remember there is an element of risk there.

By: Stephanie

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