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Home Working Advice: Hours

Business : Home Working

The hours that you work are much more flexible when you work from home.

You don't have the big commute to worry about, if there are other people in your house then you will know what time they are there and when they aren't and if you have to cook for the kids, for instance, then you can do that from home and then go back to work afterwards, which you could not do if you leave all your work in an office somewhere.

However just because you can be more flexible does not mean that you should, unless that really suits you.

Many people are surprised that the rigour of certain hours actually works better for them even when they work for themselves.

Therefore whilst you aren't in the 9 - 5 or worse every day, it may be useful to set and observe fixed hours, only giving yourself a maximum of an hour either way.

You may also find it particularly useful to keep a work log - bullet point notes of what you do each day. This gives a good idea of what you are really spending your time on and how much time each task takes, and can be very useful in the longer term in your plans.

By: Job Expert

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