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Home Working And Feeling Lonely

Business : Home Working

One side effect for many of those who work from home is that they feel lonely at times and miss the social and human interaction that they were used to when working in an office based environment.

If this happens to you then there are several things that you can do.

One of these is to ensure that outside of work you have a good balance, so that you do more socialising outside of work hours.

Above and beyond that within the workplace you can try to do more business over the phone than electronically so that you get to talk to people, and you can also participate and get to know people in online forums.

Whilst not all this communication is spoken - in fact a lot is through the written word - this can remove the sense of isolation and the knowledge that there are others out there in the same situation as you is very reassuring.

You might like to become a member of forums such as About My Business UK Forum

Not only can these help reduce feelings of loneliness but these forums can also put you in touch with useful contacts and leads, perhaps even resulting in work for you down the line!

By: Job Expert

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