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How Food Poisoning Strikes Anyone

Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips

Food Poisoning Culprits

Doc Says:

Food poisoning may be the result, of eating food or drinking water, that has been contaminated with infectious bacteria.
Some bacteria works by secreting toxins that affect the whole body, including digestive tract. Others work by directly attacking the lining of the intestines.

You?ll experience abdominal cramps, diarrhea, or vomiting, within 24 ? 48 hours. After dining. You could also experience sweating, Itching, or even a slight fever. These symptoms usually end in a day or two.
How you yourself will feel will depend, on the type of bacteria your infected with.
Also the condition of your health.
It usually hits hardest when your immune ststem is already weak from previous illnesses or immunity-weakening drugs.

When you find yourself infected with bacteria or a virus that caused poisoning, you may simply have to be miserable for a short time. That is until your immune system responds and fights off the infection.

Here are some things that you can do to coddle your innards, while you wait for the misery to pass:

Drink Water.
You are losing liquids very quickly, when you have food poisoning.
Extremely important to replenish your system. Start with a few sips of water.
Then once the water stays down, take in liquids containing sugar. These are better absorbed by the body. Try clear fruit juices.
If vomiting, wait several hours before taking in liquids.

Slurp On A Sports Drink.
Drinks like Gatorade contain electrolytes, which are essential elements such as potassium
And sodium that influence the way water is distributed throughout the body.
When vomiting or having diarrhea, these elements get lost along with liquid during dehydration. Gatorade and other sports drinks, will help replenish these necessary elements, as well as rehydrate the body with water. Rehydration is very important.
So dilute sports drinks 50 ? 50 with water.

Relax. Most of the time food poisoning problems tend to resolve themselves, without intervention. Once your immune system takes over, relief is on the way, and you?ll feel better Just rest, and drink fluids. When you feel a little bette, start to establish a diet.

Leave The Over The Counter Drugs There.
If you feel the urge to reach for and antacid. STOP. They don?t really help. If you?re having diarrhea, Pepto- Bismo; is beneficial for relieving the symptoms until you feel better.

Ease Into A bland diet.
When ready to begin eating, a bland diet is recommended. Eat easily digestible foods such as cereal, pudding, or chicken soup.
Be sure to avoid foods that are fried, smoked, or salty, as well as raw vegetables, pasteries, preserves, candies, alcohol, spices and condiments.

Get A Lift From Sugar.
If your feeling weak, sip on a flat soft drink. This will give you some energy.


By: Bev

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