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How Friends Can Improve Your Happiness

Self Development : Happiness

"No man is an island"

So said John Dunne.

The point is that we are inherently social creatures, and therefore we need people around us to feed off, give us energy, keep us happy and generally make life more bearable.

There is a sad irony, then, in the fact that when we are unhappy or depressed we tend to go the other way - lock ourselves away in the corner and hide away from friends and family.

In short, we can withdraw from life, which is always a real pity as not only are you stopping other people enjoying your company, the opposite is also true.

The bottom line is that your friends can improve your happiness by simply being there around you.

Make an extra conscious effort to see your friends regularly when you are unhappy - go out with them, relax in their company, and generally have some fun with them.

With their help and support, you will soon find that you start to feel better and happiness will come naturally to you.

By: Stephanie

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