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How Parents Can Help Children Revise

Education : Brain Boosters

When your children are revising and working hard it can be tough for parents too.

Children tend to fall into one of two categories - those who naturally do revision and those who don't want to and need encouragement to do so.

If your child falls into the first camp then take an interest in them and be supportive. Say that you are proud of them for wanting to do well and admire that quality in them.

Be there for them if they want someone to talk through ideas or discuss their revision with, and generally try to help.

With those who don't want to work, then you need to offer real encouragement to do so in a firm but friendly way. Remind them that there is a lot at stake and how important getting a good education is in this day and age.

Remind them that whilst it may seem hard, they do not need to learn and work hard for long, and will spend most of their lives in a few years time maybe never having an exam again, so it is worth putting in the effort now for a good future.

Remind them that their priorities change over the years and therefore whilst it may not seem too important now, in a few years when they have grown up they may regret not working hard for their exams, so to make sure that they do work hard now.

By: Job Expert

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