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How Positivity Can Bring Success

Self Development : Success

Everywhere you look in magazines and self help books these days, the role of positivity and thinking positively in our lives is being emphasised.

So is this some new phenomenon that doesn't really work, or is it popular precisely because it can work?

Well, the fact is that our thoughts clearly have a big influence on what we think, act and do. If you think negatively about things and tell yourself that you can't do them, you probably won't try, and if you do then you will give up easily. Hence success is harder to achieve on a task.

However if you think positively and tell yourself that you can do things, then you are more likely to succeed and achieve that. It's not particularly stating anything profound it's just common sense. The more motivated you are to achieve something, the more likely you are to achieve it!

Therefore try thinking positively and feeling that you can achieve success in whatever you set your mind to and you have taken an important step in helping to realise that success in whatever it is that you set yourself to achieve.

By: Stephanie

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