How To Increase Business Referrals
Business : Starting Up In Business When you start in business, or even when you are well established, word of mouth referrals are a very important source of business. Many people concentrate so much on getting clients, that it is strange that often once they have a client, less effort is put into managing that customer relationship, and keeping in touch with the customer once the work is complete. In the process, much potential referred business can be lost. The key discipline to set up early in your business is a good quality data management system. This will allow you to manage all your sales, follow ups and so on. Use a simple spreadsheet or basic software. Also, set up a customer care program written on paper (need not be long) which sets out how each client will be treated and the steps in the process. This will ensure consistency of approach from client to client. Ask existing happy clients to actively recommend you to their friends or business associates - even to the extent of writing them letters to recommend you. You can even offer them 10% commission, or some other suitable figure, on any business that they bring you. Alternatively send a thank you card or small gift to those who bring you referral business. As a minimum, get testimonial statements from happy clients to put on your marketing literature and web site, if you have one.
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