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How To Increase Photography Sales

Hobbies : Photography

If you want to increase your sales of your photography, then there is one thing that you can do to help that has nothing to do with photography: that is to learn to write and add words to your pictures.

The result will be complete illustrated articles. These are very attractive to editors because, apart from standard copy editing, they have a ready made article that they can drag and drop almost into their magazine or publication, or have ready to fill up a future issue if there is not much news that month!

These articles are therefore much more attractive than just a series of photos, which are often created to a brief. Just speculative photos would need an article to be written around them and therefore are much less attractive.

So, try writing photo articles on a variety of subjects in order to get practice. Then try submitting your work once you are happy that it is up to a certain standard.

You could start with your local town or a place you know well. Photograph all the well known hotspots, but also try to get some intimate but unknown scenes as well. A good overall picture or something that sums up the essence of the whole place should be the lead and major photo.

You can then start submitting to suitable publications - for instance a magazine about Country Homes or gardening and landscapes.

By: Stephen

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