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Inductive Thinking

Philosophy : Philosophy Definitions

Induction, in this sense, is where one abstracts from a few examples to a rule.

For instance, if I see a hundred white swans, I might say all swans are white - and therefore assume that the next swan is white.

We reason inductively all the time in our lives, though it does not actually follow logically, e.g. it is not valid to say 'all cases of x I have seen are white, therefore the next case of x will also be white'

By: Dan on Tue, Mar 15th 2005

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Hi saw your answer on inductive arguments! Is an inductive argument always invalid because although the premises may true the conclusion is always false? For example:
P1: Courageous confidence is adimirable
p2: Knowledgeable confidence is admirable

Conclusion: So, Knowledgeable confidence and courageous confidence are the same thing. Is this argument invalid because it's premises are false or because the conlusion as failed to follow the true premises?

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